Successful participation in the ICCT 2019 in Edinburgh, Scotland (October 9 – 12, 2019)
This year MB Spezialabbruch, as a CICIND member, attended the ICCT (International Conference on Industrial Construction and Cooling Towers) in Edinburgh. The technical conference, focusing on industrial construction and cooling towers, is made up of the international associations CICIND (International Committee on Industrial Construction), IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures), and VGB PowerTech e.V. (Technical Association for Power and Heat Generation). The conference is intended to provide a platform for presenting new developments and achievements in the fields of industrial and energy technology and construction.
Together with numerous international experts in the field of industrial buildings, especially chimneys and cooling towers, we had the opportunity for a lively exchange about past and future projects. Over the course of this event, we were also offered the opportunity to present our dismantling project of the cooling tower of the former nuclear power plant in Mülheim-Kärlich. Together with our project partner, Exponent GmbH, we gave a talk in which we highlighted both procedural and structural aspects of our innovative demolition concept. We were delighted by the positive response and keen interest from the attending professional audience.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers of ICCT 2019 for an all-around successful event and we are looking forward to participating again in the future!