Demanding work demands a high standard of oneself
Are you looking for a reliable and competent company for your demolition project? In addition to our certifications in the area of occupational safety (SCC) and quality management (DIN EN ISO 9001:2015), we are also a certified waste disposal company and have already received awards for our high-quality work and our safe processes. We aim to constantly improve our services and the quality of our work. This is now also confirmed by the RAL quality mark.
This makes us one of currently only 4 demolition companies in Thuringia with this very certification.
For tested quality in demolition works
The Gütegemeinschaft Abbrucharbeiten e.V. (Quality Association for Demolition Work) is the quality association of the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V. (RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labeling e.V.) in the demolition sector. After successful inspection by the quality association, companies receive the RAL quality mark for demolition work. A distinction is made between 7 different demolition categories/quality classes. A company can undergo a inspection procedure in several quality classes. The inspection itself is carried out by experienced, independent third-party monitors.
Our quality marks in detail:
HA 3 – structural engineering demolition 3 (Hochabbruch 3)
AB – demolition of existing buildings (Abbruch im Bestand)
AK – demolition works in contaminated areas (Abbruch in kontaminierten Bereichen)
AB-BS – concrete drilling/sawing (Betonbohren/-sägen)
The certificate with all quality marks and a link to the website of the Gütegemeinschaft Abbrucharbeiten e.V. (Quality Association for Demolition Work e.V. (German only)) with further information can be found here: