MB Spezialabbruch is your specialist for demanding demolition tasks. For over 25 years, we have stood for customized, safe, and innovative demolition techniques. Our company was formed from the merger of Mittelsdorf Erdbau – Abbruch – Recycling and MB Schornstein + Betonabbruch. Following our new logo designed in cooperation with exklusivMedia, the Thuringian advertising agency has now created a new website for us as well.
Here you can find out more about our main areas of activity: demolition, earthworks, and recycling, as well as our competencies that extend beyond these. If you would like to learn more about all our services, you can find detailed information in our portfolio. You can get an even better look at our work through our projects, some of which we present to you in detail.
The new website also features a blog with the latest news from the company and the industry. Dive deeper with us into the main topics of special demolition, earthworks, and recycling. This also includes, for example, our current research projects on new demolition and recycling technologies, as well as artificial intelligence. In addition, we will keep you up to date on all important trade fair dates and other events via our blog.
New website, new technology
Like many other modern websites, our site is now based on WordPress. Apart from the non-visible changes, MB Spezialabbruch’s new web presence now looks even better on mobile devices. The site is also easier to use overall. This way you will easily find the topics that interest you.
A comprehensive search engine optimization also ensures that you will find us faster out in the vastness of the internet.
Write to us!
If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us at any time. Additionally, our employees will gladly help you with specific inquiries.
We hope you enjoy exploring our new web presence and are looking forward to hearing from you.
Your team from
MB Spezialabbruch
We create new space for you.